What are the Strategies to Promote Your Brand?
Customers who truly have a sense of personal attachment with a brand are the customers who would be confident saying that the brand, they are attached to, is ‘the reflection of who they are’. Brands form a connection over time by expressing the passion and interest resulting in a deeper connection that eventually lets them feel reflected by that brand. Brand attachment is an emotional closeness between a consumer and a brand. This attachment enables a person’s emotions and sentiments to affect the outcome of a choice over a basic logic. This attachment shows how a consumer feels positively or negatively- about a brand. The journey to Brand Attachment: 1. Brand Awareness: Familiar with brand quality by seeing the brand advertising But no personal interactions and purchases 2. Brand Familiarity: Developed a social consciousness of the brand Purchases are done because of the needs Sale on the products affects your purchases 3 . Brand Affinity: Purchase...